DSDough: Visualizing A Billion Dollars

One BILLION dollars. How much does that really mean?
I mean, I'm an engineer so I have a pretty good grasp on numbers, but I think that even for me it's hard to actually understand how much a billion dollars is or what I would do with it.

So I found these neat infographics that breaks it down for all of us.
Here's the direct link. [Via Wallstats]
[Infographics are cool and I wish I had some experience in making them. Maybe later.]
Visualizing One Billion Dollars - GuyVisualizing One Billion Dollars - Girl
Visualizing One Billion Dollars - BlackVisualizing One Billion Dollars - PovertyVisualizing One Billion DollarsVisualising One Billion Dollars - TaxesVisualizing One Billion Dollars - LottoVisualizing One Billion Dollars - ToysVisualizing One Billion Dollars - B2Visualizing One Billion Dollars - Arms TradeVisualizing One Billion Dollars - CerealVisualizing One Billion Dollars

DSDon't Have Time For Much More Than This, But....

[Please make sure you click for full view!]

Alright, here goes.
Though it might only be one piece, this by BlueFley kind of moved me. I wish I could paint like that. But beyond just technique, there's the composition and the ability to almost tell a story with just one still frame. That's talent.

Remember. Bluefley. Checkout the rest of his work. It's just as sick.

[Please make sure you click for full view!

Now it's math quiz studying time for me...

DSDon't Steal My Spotlight: Art by Viet-My Bui

The smell of swag is in the air. This artist's unique style of illustration combined with my love for anything "punk" made me decide to feature this art. And as a bonus, she seems to like the pink/blue combination almost as much as I do. That's an achievement. This is some beautiful, beautiful shit.

Here's a tune/vid to enjoy the scenery. One of my favorites, "Yami ni Furu Ame" by Shiina Ringo
[Unless you can understand Japanese, listen to the flow/instrumental and not the lyrics, plx.]

Without further ado...
[Via Unstage]

DSD Presents: "InfecteDSD"

A little music to set the mooDSD.

I didn't quite know what to do with this one at first. I was originally going to do a glamour retouch of a human model, but then I figured I'd rather do something a little more fun.

So as I was searching through my stock pictures, I saw a picture that particularly caught my eye.

[Photo by Katanaz Stock]

This beautifully detailed stock picture by Katanaz Stock hit the spot for me. I couldn't quite figure out what I want to do with it, but after a little brainstorming, I decided on the usual black blue and pink design with splatter patterns. And I guess that's all there was to it.

If you click the image below, you can see the super high-res version. I think the smaller one looks a tiny bit better, but that's up to you to decide.

DSDon't Steal My Spotlight: Art by Andy Awesome

This guy has crazy swag. I wish I came up with this stuff....
[via The Awesomer]

Also, check out his website. More cool ish over thurr.

DSDigging Around: Youtube Roundup

I'll give you guys a break from paintings and photography. Everyone loves browsing Youtube when they should be doing productive things. And everyone loves finding good videos while they're browsing.

I'm saving you the hassle! Here are a couple videos I've dug up for you so you can get back to work faster!

No need to thank me. Just doing my job. :-p

[This guy is such a beast. He has plenty of other videos that make you appreciate the fact that hip hop and rock aren't two completely different genres and that covers of songs can still manage to be creative]

[Throwback. I love how he makes his guitar basically sing. Great artist. I never thought I'd see anyone make [Birthday Sex] sound so good except maybe Whitney Toyloy...]

[Mark Meronek and Justin Ong basically force you not to sleep on them by giving you a whiff of that good shit. Savor it. Jazz/Hip-Hop fusion? Please, sir, may I have another?]

[This is kind of sad on one hand and kind of funny on the other. It shows the repeated lyrics, themes, and unpaid advertising shown by rappers. I'd personally rather rap about my [imaginary] brandless ice in my music than about drinking specifically Grey Goose, especially if I could get paid for rapping about said product. But I mean, who am I to tell them what to do. Most of them are smart people that can make their own decisions.... right?]

[This one isn't a song. It's the trailer to the highly anticipated Final Fantasy XII. Before you call me a nerd, watch the video and then come back and tell me that you don't think it's amazing that they've gotten to where they are from this(Final Fantasy III) within most of our lifetimes. Alright, now you can go ahead and call me a nerd, but my point still stands.]


["Blue Raspberry by Born Palace"]

I really like the mix of blue, hot pink, and black. I'm not huge fan of any of them by themselves, but put together, they're a lot of fun.

I looked around DA for a few cool pictures that fit the DSD color scheme and found a whole bunch of goodies. These are all great artists and if you want to check out more of their work, click the image and look around their galleries.

Thanks guys. Have funfun.

["Black & White Sunlight" by Vive Le Rock]

["The Blue Girl" by SweetMilana]

["Stephanie Crayola Pink #4" by InfiniteAperture]

["#013" by ikissedmyfellow]

["Silent Sins 02" by Josefine Jönsson]

["Blue You Redone" by Lexxii]

["GaDaBoUt" by Starlit Sky]

[".:A N O T H E R F A C E T:." by 1Durden1]

["Pink" by F AYN T]

["Think Pink" by RidendoDicereVerum]

I DSDo Not Encourage Breaking the Law

...not all of the time, at least. I think some laws need to be broken.

Graffiti is one of my favorite art forms. It's a combination of the punk-ish feel to it and the overall "mojo", "pizzazz", "swag", whatever you want to call it, that these artists seem to have. I honestly can't put a finger on it.

I've probably said it a million times, but the game Jet Set Radio has inspired the way I dress, talk, dance, act, and make any sort of art- audio or visual for years and its themes are heavily based on graffiti and the culture surrounding it.

So it was out of a personal passion that I found these images one by one instead of finding a compilation all by one artist like I usually do. It's only a couple images, but I promise next time I don't have a midterm, a quiz and problem sets to do, I'll post another set. Probably with a theme like "Graffiti in Barcelona"(the shit) or "Graffiti in Rio"(also the shit) etc, etc. I hope you likelike.

Also, I'll include a Jet Set Radio track for you to listen to while you're at it. "Sweet Soul Brother" by Hideki Naganuma

[Photography by Abigaelarachnid]

This is so sick. I would fly over there, kneel down by it and pray if I knew where it was... somewhere in Melbourne, apparently.
[Photography by tRaNce eMoTi0ns]

[Photography by Bobitibob]

[Fish Club - Photography by TheBreadmaster]

DSDoing the Impossible: Lighting Stuff "On Water"

I hate leaving sources uncredited when I post things that I didn't create, myself. But in this situation, I can't tell you where I found these because it would be breaking the number one rule of where I found them. I've already said too much...

In any case, here are some of the coolest pictures I've ever seen. I've been using photoshop for a loooong time now and I honestly couldn't tell you how they could have gone about making these.