[This is only relevant to Northwestern Students and friends coming up on Saturday]
Hey, all. I had this random idea that I thought might just somehow work if people helped out. I call it The DSDillo Day Project.
The whole point of Dillo Day is to get fucked up, right? Don't tell me its the concert because as much of an N*E*R*D fan as I am, most people hadn't the slightest clue as to who they were and Nelly has not been relevant since the seniors were freshmen... in highschool.
So if the goal of Dillo Day is to get fucked up, then one can gauge its success by how fucked they were on average throughout the course of the day. Now here's where
you come in.
I want as many people as possible to follow me on Twitter and throughout the course of the day, Tweet me [thedsdispatch] a direct message of this format:
"@thedsdispatch X YY:00"
X represents how fucked up you are on a scale of 1-10 and YY represents the time rounded to the closest hour.
And for those of you who will either exaggerate how drunk or how sober you are, the scale would be: 0 = Sober, 2 = Somewhat Tipsy, 5 = Drunk, 7 = Fucked up enough to enjoy a registered party, and 10 will only be accepted on Sunday as is reserved for blackouts. So to recap, your tweet will probably look like this
"@thedsdispatch 5 2:00"
I'll take this data and put the numbers and times [No names will be recorded] that I receive in tabular form and from there, I'll calculate the average amount of DSDrunkenness that went on on Dillo Day and display it to the world in number and graph form.
Enjoy your DSDillo Day, friends, Remember to avoid law enforcement, public nudity[unless its not you], and passing the fuck out before noon and your day will be s00per.
Comment here with any questions