So when I heard Jay-Z's The Black Album in its entirety for the first time about a month ago, I listened to "Allure" produced in part by Lord ForReal [Peace and flyness be unto him] and it sounded ridiculously familiar even though I'd probably only heard it once or twice before.
So the point of that was that when I was driving home from the Chi-Chi today, I was looking through my ipod and I saw The Testimony of Gemstones for the first time in a looong minute. [Tragedy what happened to him. Look him up on Wikipedia.] The mixtape was raw as hell and I kind of miss the guy and hope he comes to his senses. So yeah, I was flipping through songs and I came across the beat from Allure and I was like "OH! THAT'S WHERE I HEARD THIS!"
Random, but you'll thank me later for putting you on.
"I Love Her" - Gemstones
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